Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Edith Wharton Essay Prize

The deadline has been extended to May 30, 2012 for the Edith Wharton Essay Prize. Please encourage your colleagues and grad students to submit an essay.

The Edith Wharton Essay Prize

Deadline: May 30, 2012

Instituted in the fall of 2005, the Edith Wharton Essay Prize is awarded annually for the best unpublished essay on Edith Wharton by a beginning scholar. Graduate students, independent scholars, and faculty members who have not held a tenure-track or full-time appointment for more than four years are eligible to submit their work. The winning essay will be published in The Edith Wharton Review, a peer-reviewed journal indexed in the MLA Bibliography , and the writer will receive an award of $250.

All entries will be considered for publication in The Edith Wharton Review as well as for the Edith Wharton Essay Prize. Submissions should be 15-25 pages in length and should follow the 7th edition MLA style, using endnotes, not footnotes. Applicants should not identify themselves on the manuscript but should provide a separate cover page that includes their names, academic status, e-mail address, postal addresses, and the notation “The Edith Wharton Essay Prize.”

To submit an essay for the prize, send three copies to The Edith Wharton Review:

Prof. Carole M. Shaffer-Koros, Editor
Kean University, English Department
CAS 3rd floor
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083

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